Beloved, We Are Children of God
Morning Worship
1st John 3:1-3
1. We have a Profound Demonstration. v.1a
Galatians 3:26
a. There is the honest truth that God loved us first. 1st John 4:19
b. There is the humbling fact that God loved us at our worst. Romans 5:8
c. There is the hallelujah principle that God loved us with His best. 1st John 4:10
2. We have a Prized Association. v.1b
a. There is the prize of knowing God. John 17:3; Jeremiah 9:23-24
b. There is the prize of being known by God. 2nd Timothy 2:19; Matthew 7:21-23
c. There is the prize of knowing fellow children of God. 1st John 1:7
3. We have a Present Realization. v.2a
a. It is not that someday we will be the children of God, but now we are children of God. Romans 8:1
b. We shall ever be children of God for the Holy Scriptures assure us that our Father will never forsake His own. Romans 8:38-39; 2nd Corinthians 6:2
4. We have a Prophetic Expectation. v.2b
a. We expect the appearing of our Lord. Titus 2:13
b. We expect the completeness of our salvation. Romans 13:11; 8:28-29
5. We have a Practical Implication. v.3