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"Characteristics of a Convert: Biblical Evidence of a True Conversion"

Morning Worship

Message 1:  Relationship with the Father and His Son
     1st John1:1-3
     2nd Corinthians 13:5; Matthew 7:21-23

1.  The Lessons taught in the Bible teach a literal relationship.
      a.  There's the lesson of the vine and the branches.  John 15:5-7
           (1)  Jesus Himself is the source of our lives.
           (2)  Jesus Himself is the sufficiency of our lives.
      b.  There's the lesson of the body and the head.  Colossians 1:18
           (1)  Jesus is the ruler of our lives.
           (2)  Jesus is the reason for our lives.

2.  The Language used in the Bible tells of a personal relationship.
      a.  There's the language of father and children.  1st John 3:1-2
      b.  There's the language of shepherd and sheep.  Psalm 23:1-3; John 10:11-14
      c.  There's the language of husband and wife.  1st Corinthians 1:9; John 17:3

3.  The Longings felt by the Believer testify of an experiential relationship.
      a.  This longing is an essential desire.  Psalm 42:1
      b.  The longing exceeds all our other desires.  Psalm 73:25; Philippians 1:21-23
      c.  This longing is the effect of Christ's love.  2nd Corinthians 5:14; Song of Solomon 2:4

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