Contemplating Covenant Realities
Evening Worship
Psalm 89
Noahic Covenant Genesis 9:8-11
Abrahamic Covenant Genesis 12:1-3
Mosaic Covenant Exodus 19:1-6
Davidic Covenant 2nd Samuel 23:1-5
The new covenant Jeremiah 31:31-33
1. The Worship of God is Prompted. vv.1-4
a. God is merciful.
b. God is faithful.
2. The Wonder of God is Proclaimed. vv.5-18
a. God's greatness assures the authority of His covenant. vv.5-13
b. God's righteousness attests to the integrity of His covenant. vv.14-18
3. The Word of God is Promised. vv.19-37
a. God's personal involvement is promised.
b. God's personal enablement is promised.
4. The Will of God is Preeminent. vv.38-45
a. Disobedience to God has a real consequence.
b. The consequence has a redemptive cause. Amos 4:6-11
5. The Way to God is Penitence. vv.46-52
a. Contrition is the operative.
b. Confession is the objective.