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Going Through the Storm with the Master

Morning Worship
Mark 4:35-41

1st Corinthians 12:26
John 20:30-31; Romans 15:4; 1st Corinthians 10:11

1.  The Intensity of the storm
      a.  The storm disrupted them.
      b.  The storm displaced them.
      c.  The storm left them disoriented.

2.  The Inability of the disciples
      a.  The disciples could not predict the storm.
      b.  The disciples could not prevent the storm.
      c.  The disciples could not overpower the storm.

3.  The Immensity of our Lord's Authority
      a.  The Lord slept in the storm - He was not troubled by it.
      b.  The Lord subdued the storm - He was not threatened by it.
      c.  The Lord scolded the disciples for not trusting Him.

1st Peter 5:6-7; Matthew 6:31-32; Mark 5:1; Romans 8:18; Luke 12:32; Hebrews 12:1-3


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