"Your Life Should Magnify Christ"
Evening Worship
Philippians 1:18-26
Christian, your entire life should magnify Christ and bring Him into focus for those around you!
1. Our Ambition should be-Christ Glorified. vv.18b-20
a. Christ glorified through life. vv.19-20
b. Christ glorified through death.
2. Our Desire should be-Christ Presence. vv.21-24
Philippians 3:7-11
Philippians 1:21 becomes a valuable test of our lives. "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Fill in the blanks yourself.
"For to me to live is money and to die is to leave it all behind."
"For to me to live is fame and to die is to be forgotten."
"For to me to live is power and to die is to lose it all." Warren Wiersbe
a. To live in the flesh means faithful labor. vv.22 & 24
b. To die in Christ means to gain the ultimate goal-Christ. v.23
3. Our Expectations should be-Christlike Fruit. vv.24-26
a. Christlike fruit is beneficial to the saints.
b. Christlike fruit brings glory to Christ!