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Resurrection Sunday: "The Awesome Life of Jesus Christ"

Morning Worship
2nd Corinthians 5:14-21

1.  An Awesome Revelation:  "The Crucifixion of Christ was Intentionally Planned."
      2nd Corinthians 5:18a, 19a, 21
      Acts 2:22-23

2.  An Awesome Reality:  "The Compassion of Christ is Incredibly Powerful."
      2nd Corinthians 5:14-17
      a.  Knowing Christ changes our reason for our living.  14-15
      b.  Knowing Christ affects all our relations.  16
      Acts 10:28, 34-36

3.  An Awesome Responsibility:  The Call of Christ has Immediate Priority."
      2nd Corinthians 15:18b, 19b, 20
      Galatians 2:20
      a.  All that are saved are in the ministry of Christ.  18b
      ...hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation
      b.  All that are saved have the message of Christ.  19b
      ...hath committed [entrusted] unto us the word of reconciliation
      c.  All that are saved have the mandate of Christ.  20

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