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"What to Do when Life Overwhelms You"

Evening Worship
Psalm 61

1.  There is a Heavy Burden in the Saint's Request.    1-2
      a.  Note how simple is his request.
      b.  Note how sincere is his request.
      c.  Note how specific is his request.

2.  There is a Helpful Benefit in the Saint's Recall.    3
      a.  The benefit is in recalling personally.  "for me"
      b.  The benefit is in recalling particularly.  "shelter...strong tower"       

3.  There is a Hallowed Beauty in the Saint's Rest.    4-7
      a.  The saint experiences the sanctuary of faith.  4

A little faith will bring your soul to heaven; a great faith will bring heaven to your soul.    Charles Spurgeon

      b.  The saint enjoys the satisfaction of grace.  5
      c.  The saint expects the stronghold of love.  6-7

4.  There is a Happy Blessing in the Saint's Rejoicing.    8
      a.  The object of his celebration is praise.
      b.  The observance of his commitment is a pleasure.


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