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Why Do We Wed?

Morning Worship
Genesis 2:15-25; Ephesians 5

1.  There's a Natural Reason that we wed.
      Genesis 2:24
      a.  We are created by God; therefore, life has purpose and is to be lived purposefully not recklessly.
      b.  We are created in the image of God; therefore, life is not about selfish gratification but instead the glory of God.
      Hebrews 13:4; John 8:3-11

2.  There's a Supernatural Reason that we wed.
      a.  The idea of marriage was God's.
      b.  The intention of marriage is for our good.
      Proverbs 18:22

3.  There is a Mutual Reason that we wed.
      a.  Marriage has its mutual requirements.
           (1)  Each spouse is to be self-forgetting.
           (2)  Each spouse is to be self-conscious.
      b.  Marriage has its mutual rewards.
           (1)  There is a sense of belonging.
           (2)  There is a sense of blessing.

4.  There is a Social Reason that we wed.
a.  Marriage was the first intitution given by God with the design to positively affect the children and communities.
      b.  As marriages go so go the families and as families go so goes the communities.

5.  There is a Spiritual Reason that we wed.
      Ephesians 5
      a.  Marriage is to typify the sacrificial love of Christ for His church.
      b.  Marriage is to typify the submissive loyalty of the church to Christ.
      c.  Marriage is to typify the spirit of lowliness.

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