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"Your Life Should Serve to Advance the Gospel"

Morning Worship
Philippians 1:12-18

Christian be assured God can advance the Gospel through your circumstances and in spite of your critics.

1.  Your circumstances can advance the Gospel.    vv.12-14
when the word of God is preached, it overcomes all hindrances and moves on to its goal; its contents are irresistible.
   Gerald Hawthorne

Your circumstances can bring...
      a.  Contact with unbelievers
           1st Corinthians 1:23; 1st Corinthians 2:2
Your circumstances can bring...
      b.  Courage to believers

2.  Your critics can advance the Gospel.    vv. 15-17

Your perspective will distinguish which group you are in.
      Gospel Critic
      Gospel Courier

3.  You celebrate the advancement of the Gospel.

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